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Case Studies

Beyond the Streets

Category: Sexual Exploitation 
Year awarded: 2019 
Amount: £195,000 


Beyond the Streets is a small charity that plays a key role across the UK in helping those involved in selling sex. With over 20 years’ experience of learning from women, understanding the complexities they face, the underlying causes and the multiple barriers to exiting prostitution. Beyond the Streets provides direct services to women; trains, supports and equips local projects across the UK; and works to challenge public perceptions about women selling sex and the root causes that enable sexual exploitation to flourish. 

Funding from the Samworth Foundation supported organisational growth for Beyond the Streets.  By supporting core costs, we contributed to the financial stability of the organisation, enabling Beyond the Streets to grow, identify service sector gaps and drive for much needed systemic change. 

The award supported the growth and stability of our organisation during a tumultuous period for the charity sector as a whole. It enabled us to take important strategic decisions with confidence alongside increasing staffing capacity in areas that will support future income diversification.