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Annual funding data

This section gives some overall numbers about grants awarded in the 12 months to 31 March 2024.

The trustees believe that how they fund is as important as what they fund, and that strong relationships with grant holders across every stage of the Foundation’s grant making is vital to deliver best practice and help organisations become more effective and sustainable.

During 2023/24 the Foundation provided £2,518,786 in grant funding to 43 organisations working in the UK and overseas.


In the year to 31 March 2024

Core grant fund


Average grant spend


New Applications Received



  • Environment


  • Modern Slavery & Exploitation


Cost of Living Uplift Grants

In recognition of the financial pressures being experienced by grantholders due to high inflation, we invited organisations who were awarded multi-year grants from our core grants ‘pot’ prior to March 2022 and whose funded work continued beyond April 2023, to apply for a 10% uplift to their current annual grant (up to a maximum of £10,000), to help with their rising costs. 

During the year we have distributed £95,500 to 14 grantholders. 

Tree planting with Possible.